Read about the treatments our acupuncture clinic provides to our Parsippany patients.
Read More About AcupuntureParsippany Acupuncture
The body is designed to heal itself. This is the principle that underlies traditional Chinese medicine as well as current alternative medical practices. Acupuncture is about understanding the subtle energy pathways of the organs, glands and tissues. These subtle energy pathways, or meridians, are responsible for how the body functions as a whole and how different parts interact with each other. A trained acupuncture professional can help with a wide range of issues; from muscle pain, to migraines and more. Energy Connections invites the people of Parsippany to have a look at the services we provide and to call us for a free consultation and to book an appointment.
Call us now! (973) 335-5419
Patient Oriented Massage
We take great pride in being the trusted massage therapists of Parsippany for so many years. We have made many exciting additions to the services we offer over the years and eagerly invite you to view the rest of our website to see just how wide a variety we offer.
We have a patient oriented approach for our sessions and tailor our therapies to your specific needs. We will set up a free consultation to gather your expectations and assess your ailments. Then we will give you a range of different therapeutic options so you can decide which method you would like to try. And if you don’t know where to start we can organize short sessions with different therapies so you can pick which method suits you as an individual.
Call Energy Connections at (973) 335-5419 today to make an appointment for a consultation and speak to one of our friendly staff members.
Read More About UsTherapies
Our highly skilled team is expertly trained in many different areas of massage therapy. Some techniques are thousands of years old while others incorporate modern scientific knowledge to eliminate the aches and pains of daily life.
- Have you been dealing with a crick in your neck which never really goes away
- Are you pregnant and looking for a natural way to relieve the stresses and strain that affect all expecting mothers?
- Do you find yourself feeling anxious for reasons unknown and have tried a variety of methods to overcome it but to no avail?
Energy Connections is conveniently located and serves the entire Parsippany area. Our goal is to provide the best care possible for each patient seeking relief.
Read More About our Team